Results attached from the Texas Scramble 23/09/2023
Vouchers will be arranged and placed behind the bar for you to collect.
Newbattle GC
It was a perfect golfing day and the scores reflected this as well as 6 couples with a “2”. It was a full competition and the compliments to the green staff for an excellent course were numerous. Our thanks go to the green staff, the Pro shop, in-house staff and starters for making it such a successful day.
There were 6 handicap prizes and 2 scratch prizes and the winners will receive their vouchers shortly. Here are the results ………
Senior Mixed Open Greensomes – Prizes and Winners
It was a beautiful sunny day and perfect for golf. The course was looking magnificent and our thanks go to the green keepers for their hard work. There were many compliments on the state of the course from the players. The bar and kitchen staff had a busy day and we thank them for their attention. The new ‘Ladies Table’ in the Pro Shop for the event was well depleted at the end of the day and we thank Scott for arranging this for us. Our thanks go to the Starters and helpers on the day who made this a smooth event to run.
We were collecting for the Gorebridge Foodbank and Alzheimer’s Scotland (East and Midlothian) and raised a fantastic £385 in raffle money for these two very necessary causes. Many ladies left with a selection of raffle prizes having had an excellent day out.
There were 6 handicap prizes and some spot prizes at specific holes. Here are the results ……