Pro Day Winners 2024


Ladies Open 2024

The morning dawned grey, but dry, and so it continued throughout the day except for a minor light smattering of rain mid-afternoon which came to nothing and progressed to a sunny evening.
Thank you to all the helpers at the check-in desk, the card checkers, Pro Shop, Starters, Bar Staff, Catering Staff and not forgetting the Green Staff which had the course turned out to perfection, resulted in many glowing reports from the players about the condition of the course and the fact that they had had a good day out with refreshments before and after playing. Many also commented on having a Starter which they enjoyed and for those who had never played the course before, found very helpful.
Our Charities this year are based in the very local area to the golf club in the form of The Community Pantry as well as the Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust (MAEDT) to provide support and activities for the residents. We raised £212 today towards these groups. Thank you to the ladies for all their raffle donations to make this all possible.
The list of prize winners is attached and vouchers will be sent out direct to them. The net score listing is also attached for information.
Thank you to all the players for coming to play at Newbattle and we hope to see you back next year.

Final Results Newbattle_Ladies_Open_NettScoreSheet_25_07_2024

2024 Prizes and Winners

Our Winner – Athena Avratidis